Was just surfing around when I came across this website about pick up lines. And here's some of which I found which are really really funny. Try it during this festive period at your own risk! Hahah.
* I wished I was the derivative, so I could lie tangent to your curves.
* I like the area bounded by your curves! (I hope you don't get a tight slap for that rofl)
* How can I know so many digits of pi but not the digits of your number?
* I don't know if you're in my range, but I'd sure like to take you back to my domain.
* Your beauty defies real and complex analysis.
* By looking at you, I can tell you're a 36-25-36, which by the way, are all perfect squares.
* If I were a function, you'd be my asymptote, because I find myself tending towards you.
* My love for you is like an exponential curve - unbounded.
* I hope you know set theory because I want to intersect and union you. (Another one sure to deserve a tight slap. Haha)
* Would you like to see my log? (HAHAHAHHA!)
* There are many proofs to a theorem I just founded. You are by far the most elegant one.
* Are you the square root of 2? Because I feel irrational when I'm around you.
And this one takes the cake...
* I'm not being obtuse, but you're acute girl!
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